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engaging events


engaging events


Engage Explore Evoke

Deep, immersive, experiential discovery events
for company's who are serious about creating cultures that thrive, adapt and are human.

*fully customisable to suit your discovery days*

For more information download brochure below.


Fine Art of Facilitation

processes are designed for your specific purpose.

Participative Strategic Planning Processes

Search Process

Action Learning and Action Research methods

Appreciative Inquiry

Technology of Participation TOP

Focussed Conversation Methods

Storytelling for Change

Fish Bowl for transparency

Circle Dialogue for collective conversations

Open Space Meetings for high commitment to action

Conversation Café for building community

Improvisation methods for resilience, adaptability and creativity

Team Shadow Observation

Non-defensive Face to Face Recipricol Feedback Methods

Discuss the Undiscussable Methodologies

Conflict Resolution Methods



Sign Up

Sign Up

Signup to download these free resources.

Leadership and Followship

for workplaces where everyone has the potential to be a leader no matter what their position and everyone is a follower.


The Fine Art of Facilitation

creating an environment where people can be at ease with one another and make magic together




Our Office


Locally and Globally via zoom

Walk and Talk

meetings in the local park, and CBD area.

Face to face experiential workshops  designed and delivered anywhere globally.



Apply Here 

Do you want a Mentor that enables you: 

to increase your capacity to think and sense outside the box?

to access your creativity?

to create your well being?

to increase the success and fulfilment you desire in business and life?


Are you a Manager or Business owner, and you want a Facilitator to design experiential workshops that enable your people to co-create and embody the culture of your greatest dreams?  Working together with increased cooperation, creating cameraderie as you celebrate your successes along the way.